Wednesday, April 4, 2012


View of Dalkey Island from Coliemore habour in county Dublin of Ireland. More information at

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


DIFFERENT PROCESS THE EARTH WENT THROUGH-1)Creation of earth-Gen1:1,Job38:4-7 2)Lucifer placement and removal-Eze28:11-19 3)Earth turned to formless and desolate due to disobedience of Lucifer by God-Gen1:2 3)Restoration of earth and creation to environment for human beings/mankind-Gen1-2 4)Destruction by flood during Noah-Gen6-8 5)Division of world during Peleg/Theory of Pangea Gen10:25 6)Fleeing of earth during judgement Rev20:11 7)New heaven and new earth Rev21:1

Differences between Heaven/Paradise/Hell/Abyss/Hades

Differences between Heaven/Paradise/Hell/Abyss
HELL IS DIVIDED INTO THREE-1)PARADISE-on earth where imprisoned spirits waited until Christ redeemed them through his sacrifice. 1Pet3:19,Matt27:52-53,Luk23:43,Luk16:22-23.Moses &Elijah spoke about the regarding salvation to the imprisoned spirits Matt17:3.Jesus rose from death and went to Paradise inorder to preach Mar16:9. 2)HADES/HELL-where sinful people are tormented Luk16:22-23,Rev21:8. 3)ABYSS-where lucifer is chained Rev20:1-2,Rev9:1-2.
HEAVEN ISDIVIDED INTO THREE-1)CLOUDS-as meeting place of believers with Christ 1Thes4:16-17,Luk21:27,MAR13:26,Matt24:30 2)MID CLOUD-as meeting place of gods with Almighty God Job1:6,Job2:1 3)HEAVEN-Finally Jesus departed from his earthly life/DWELLING PLACE OF ALMIGHTY GOD-Luk24:51,Mar16:19,2Cor12:2-4,Isaiah6:1-8,Rev4:1-11